Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Back...

Back by popular demand! All 12 of my readers have requested that I return to blogging. This has been an incredibly busy summer, so I hope to catch you up and continue to post as fall rolls around.

Snugglebug is 2 1/2 and a busy little fellow. Between Speech Therapy twice a week, Occupational Therapy once a week, Storytime with friends every Wednesday, play-dates on Tuesdays, birthday parties, church get-togethers, and just your basic weekends, we have not had a whole lot of down-time for things like blogging, reading, and watching TV. Through it all we have managed to find a nice balance between therapies, doctors, friends, and social engagements. While we have scurried from one thing to another, we have had an equal amount of fun as we have work.

My hope is that despite our busy schedule, we, Snugglebug and I,will look back on this summer and say, "This is the summer friendships began." I don't think we will look back and see a hurried season that blurs one day into the next. I think we will look back at events such as Storytime each week and remember fondly playing with friends, reading fun books, singing even more fun songs, and simply enjoying a hot, summer day with friends.

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