Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Read Through the Bible: Question of the Week

So, thanks to computer problems, I wasn't able to post all week so I didn't answer Becky's Question of the Week. This week's question is:
Last week it was all about goals. This week is slightly related to that. It's about plans--Bible reading plans to be exact. Do you need a plan to stay on track? Do you find reading plans helpful? Or are they more of a hindrance to you? Do you have a plan B? In other words, do you have it worked out what you're going to do when you fall behind, forget, get frustrated, get bored, etc.? (There are a dozen excuses why it might happen.) Do you see this as an all or nothing proposition?
I do have a plan. I always have a plan, and if I get braver in my posts, I might share with you how incredibly awry my plans have gone in the past.
But, as for a reading plan it is this: I plan to read at least one book a month. If I get behind, then I'll just keep trekking on and not worry about it. I think it will take me at least three years to actually study all the books.
Will I get bored or frustrated? Of course, I've never actually made it through the Bible because of those reasons. And I think there are some books I've never actually read. What makes this time different? First of all, I want to set a good example for my son. If he doesn't see me reading the Bible, then he will not see the need when he is older. This is the example my parent's set for me, and the one I plan to set for him. Also, I have accountability. With Becky's monthly updates and questions of the week, I hope to feel prodded by those of you who are now reading and checking back ever so often. I have even considered starting a second blog to correspond with my study so I can share my own observations and epiphanies about the scriptures. We'll see.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Thanks for participating :) And I think your plan is a good one--there's no need to rush anything after all!